WinWatt optimum module
The optimum module is available as an accessory for the following versions of the WinWatt heating technology package and requires the use of the energy performance module |
Starting from the energy performance calculation made for our building, we can analyze the effect of different modifications on the energy use of the building with the help of the optimum module. It is important to note that these calculations continue to be made according to the specifications for energy calculations, which treats the building user as a standard consumer. The actual energy consumption of the building, due to the approximation of the calculation model and the use of non-standard values, differs slightly from the calculated value.
Modifications to structures
Az optimum keresés első lépésében a fűtött teret határoló szerkezetekre vonatkozó módosításainkat adhatjuk meg. A fűtött teret határoló szerkezet típusok listában összevonva jelennek meg a szerkezetek. A táblázatból kiolvasható többek közt az adott szerkezet hőátbocsátási tényezője, összfelülete, illetve a SA*U értékből mekkora részt képvisel. Ez utóbbi jellemző jó iránymutatást ad, hogy mennyire érdemes az adott szerkezet típussal foglalkozni.
When you add a new variation, you can also specify the expected cost, per square meter (possibly line length). Even if we are unable to provide a price, the calculation will still produce usable results in other respects, only the cost of investment and the return on investment will be false.
If we select a structure from our top list, in the list on the right you can see the variations given for that type of structure.
Variations on mechanical systems
In the top left-hand list, the system displays the mechanical systems used in the calculation at the building. Various variations can be made for these. The lower part of the window allows you to enter new mechanical systems. Like the structures, the new system is dragged onto the existing system to give each variation. Here, at the same time, the program requests the cost of the change.
Specific cost of energy carriers, specific CO2 emission values
We only need to give values for the energy carriers that are used in the calculations, or we can go further here if some data is not known. If a flood is missing, then the expected annual operating cost savings will not be correct if the specific CO2 emission value is missing, so the annual CO2 savings achieved will be lower than the actual one.
Analysis of variations
With the given options for change, the energy calculation is completed for all possible combinations.
Among the many variations, several tools are available to select the most suitable. We can change the sorting aspect at the bottom of the list, or delete variants from the list.
Group export allows you to extract the main results of each calculation in the list to the clipboard from where it can be exported to Excel or Word for documentation or further calculations and evaluations. The export button below the right section puts only the current variation on the clipboard.
Last modify: 11 September 2019